Ambassador Program

martial-arts-ambasadorNAPMA Ambassador Program

Referrals are the absolute best source of new members in any martial arts school.

We recommend that you have MULTIPLE referral SYSTEMS in place in your school, to generate a predictable flow of new referrals into your school.

The NAPMA “Ambassador Program” is one of the “done for you” referral generation program.


Guest Pass PDF: Ambassador - Guest Pass PDF (231 downloads )
Guest Pass Word Doc: Ambassador - Guest Pass Word Doc (183 downloads )

Flyer Version 1

Flyer PDF: Ambassador - Flyer v1 - PDF (169 downloads )
Flyer Word Doc: Ambassador - Flyer v1 - Word Doc (146 downloads )

Flyer Version 2

Flyer V2 PDF: Ambassador - Flyer v2 - PDF (135 downloads )
Flyer V2 Word Doc: Ambassador - Flyer v2 - Word Doc (144 downloads )


 17X22 Poster PDF:   Ambassador - Poster PDF (168 downloads )
17X22 Poster PSD:(For Pro Printing)   Ambassador - Poster PSD (122 downloads )