PP-IC Internet Marketing

Video: PR Publicity with Masters Greg Moody and Stephen Oliver
PR Publicity with Masters Greg Moody and Stephen Oliver

Video: Referral System with Masters Stephen Oliver and Greg Moody
Referral System with Masters Stephen Oliver and Greg Moody

Video: Online Marketing with Masters Greg Moody and Stephen Oliver
Online Marketing with Masters Greg Moody and Stephen Oliver

Embedding YouTube Videos into Your Site With Options
Here is how to turn off features in your YouTube Embedded Videos: How to disable/enable some useful YouTube features: Example YouTube Embed Code URL: http://www.youtube.com/embed/p4JeYMBpFY0 To “switch” on and off specific features you can add them to the end of the url following an initial “?”: Disable Related Videos: ie: http://www.youtube.com/embed/p4JeYMBpFY0?rel=0 This will yield “Related […]

Website Lead Capture and Conversion
Capturing Leads with your website is relatively easy with the right tools, and strategy.
Here is a brief outline for making your website a productive lead generation mechanism.

Internet Marketing 101 – Site Design and Functionality Pt.1
Website design and functionality strategy for your martial arts school.
Here are the “basics” for creating a high converting web presence for your school.

Internet Marketing 101 – Site Design and Functionality Pt.2
Website design and functionality strategy for your martial arts school.
Here are the “basics” for creating a high converting web presence for your school, part 2