Curriculum Design – Rotating Curriculum 2
Curriculum Design – Rotating Curriculum 2
Category: Curriculum Management
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Category: Curriculum Management
I like the explanation of the different types of rotating curriculum. I can see if schools had separate level specific classes, it would benefit to incorporate the different styles.
When you have students (and I have a few) who are just there to train and are not interested in either the uniform but just fitness – what does one do? They are not interested in testing – they have had enough testing, they say.
Tried ranking, but they were not interested, uniform – nada.
On of the things I use for students that are not really intrested in martial arts but fitness.
1.) At the conference or appointment if you are truly looking to teach martial arts then express that your school is a Martial Arts school and that getting in shape and building confidence, and all the other benefits or just that benefits not something that you focus on.
2.) Express that you teach a form of self defense that was designed to allow civilians to learn how to defend themselves and that the belt system is only meant to gauge the level of the student and what else is needed to learn at whatever level.
3.)Help them understand that Poomsae, Kata or forms are designed to train the body to execute each movement correctly with little or no effort.
4.) GIve them a martial arts workout from hell and let them know that this is just a hint at what a martial arts life is.
Last and final thing you can do is simply express to each possible student that you teach martial arts not recreation,day-care,or fitness. Even thought it may appear that way no Master of Instructor really ever fills any of these positions.
Basically seek what you want and you will get it when someone registers let them know from the very start what typ of school you have and or desire.
Most students or adults that feel that way desire or need a strong Instructor so be strong and wise. Sometimes its better to turn away a potential student so that you can build your school the way you desire