Tag: Marketing

Maximum Impact Teleconference: Back to School Marketing Follow Up – (09-2012)
Maximum Impact Monthly Teleconference: Back to School Marketing Follow Up – (09-2012) To help our members grow their businesses, avoid costly mistakes and obstacles, and GET SPECIFIC, CRITICAL QUESTIONS ANSWERED, Grandmaster Stephen Oliver (NAPMA CEO), and Master Toby Milroy (NAPMA COO) host a regular “Best Practices” conference call for all Maximum Impact Members and above. […]

Maximum Impact Monthly Teleconference: End of Summer Marketing Opportunities – (07-2012)
Maximum Impact Monthly Teleconference: End of Summer Marketing Opportunities – (07-2012) To help our members grow their businesses, avoid costly mistakes and obstacles, and GET SPECIFIC, CRITICAL QUESTIONS ANSWERED, Grandmaster Stephen Oliver (NAPMA CEO), and Master Toby Milroy (NAPMA COO) host a regular “Best Practices” conference call for all Maximum Impact Members and above. This […]

Internet Marketing 101 – Site Design and Functionality Pt.1
Website design and functionality strategy for your martial arts school.
Here are the “basics” for creating a high converting web presence for your school.

2012 Ultimate Marketing Bootcamp – Audio
Building a marketing plan for 100 new students in the next 90 days.

Maximum Impact Monthly Teleconference: End of Summer Marketing Opportunities – (06-2012)
Maximum Impact Monthly Teleconference: End of Summer Marketing Opportunities – (06-2012) To help our members grow their businesses, avoid costly mistakes and obstacles, and GET SPECIFIC, CRITICAL QUESTIONS ANSWERED, Grandmaster Stephen Oliver (NAPMA CEO), and Master Toby Milroy (NAPMA COO) host a regular “Best Practices” conference call for all Maximum Impact Members and above. This […]

Inner Circle & Peak Performer: BONUS Grand Opening Marketing Plan (03/2012)
It’s important to get a new location started off with a flood of new students. On this conference, Grandmaster Oliver describes the typical Grand Opening Marketing plan that he’s used to successfully launch dozens of new schools.

Maximum Impact Monthly Teleconference: Adding 100 Students in 100 Days (01-2012)
Maximum Impact Monthly Teleconference: Adding 100 Students in 100 Days (01-2012)
“Rubber meets the road” strategies for driving lots of traffic into your school for a grand opening, new location or growth plan.

The Ultimate “Shortcut” for Building a Hyper-Successful School
Our “Millionaire Smarts” Peak Performance Coach Lee Milteer Reveals
The “Ultimate Shortcut” for Building a Hyper Successful Martial Arts School

Inner Circle – Peak Performer Monthly Teleconference: Marketing Strategy and a Linear Sales Process
Inner Circle & Peak Performer Monthly Teleconference:
Renewal “Blitz” Strategy (10/2011)

SOS Support Video: Social Proof to Support the Renewal
On this month’s SOS CD, you heard about operating in a multi school environment with NAPMA CEO Stephen Oliver.
During the presentation, you hear the audio from the “Mile High Karate – Black Belt Renewal DVD”.
Here is the video for you as well!

Jay Abraham Martial Arts Marketing Program
As the founder and CEO of Abraham Group, Inc. in Los Angeles, California, Jay has spent the last 25 years solving problems and significantly increasing the bottom lines of over 10,000 clients in more than 400 industries worldwide. Jay has seen and dealt with every type of business you can imagine. And he’s studied and solved every kind of business question, problem, challenge and opportunity.

A Facebook Trick I Think You’ll Dig!
How to Export your Facebook Friends (with E-mail Addresses)
I’m NOT recommending SPAMMING…..but this is cool!

Dan Kennedy – Renegade Millionaire
Dan Kennedy – Renegade Millionaire Strategies for Your Martial Arts School!
From the Martial Arts Marketing Bootcamp

Martial Artists Don’t Use Four-Letter Words – Motivational Poster
– Martial Artists Don’t Use Four-Letter Words – Motivational Poster