My Account
Hi [i4w_db_FirstName]
It looks like the payment method we have on file for your NAPMA Membership is due to expire soon.
Your credit card will expire: [i4w_db_CCard_ExpirationMonth]/[i4w_db_CCard_ExpirationYear]
It’s likely you’ll be receiving a new card in the mail soon (or have already). Please take a minute to update your card now, so you don’t miss any of your character lessons, classroom lessons, marketing tools, or other juicy goodness we’ve got coming your way!
[i4w_onlyfor tagid=’1904,1908,1912,1916,1926,1930,1934,1938,1942′]

Hi [i4w_db_FirstName]
It looks like we’re having some trouble with your account.
The payment method we have on file isn’t cooperating.
Perhaps we have an old card on file, or you’ve received a new card in the mail. I know it’s certainly happened to me. I lost my credit cards, driver’s license and SSN card once diving in Antigua. What a nightmare.
By the time I finally received replacements, I had all sorts of subscriptions I needed to notify of the new number(s).
Please click the button below, so you don’t miss any of your character lessons, classroom lessons, marketing tools, or other juicy goodness we’ve got coming your way!
[i4w_data_refresh] [i4w_is_logged_in]
Welcome Back [i4w_db_FirstName]!
This is you member profile page.
Website Login Information
- Membership Level: [i4w_user_levels]
- Primary E-mail Address: [i4w_db_Email]
- Password: [i4w_db__NapmaPassword]
[i4w_ccard_exp45]Personal Information [i4w_avatar size=96]
- Title: [i4w_db_JobTitle]
- First Name: [i4w_db_FirstName]
- Last Name: [i4w_db_LastName]
- Email Address: [i4w_db_Email]
- Phone: [i4w_db_Phone1]
- Mobile: [i4w_db_Phone2] (Please Enter Mobile Number Above to Receive Text Message Reminders of Member Teleconferences!)
- Fax: [i4w_db_Fax1]
School Information
- School Name: [i4w_db_Company]
- School Website: [i4w_db_Website]
- School Address: [i4w_db_StreetAddress1]
- School City: [i4w_db_City]
- School State: [i4w_db_State]
- School Postal Code: [i4w_db_PostalCode]
- School Country: [i4w_db_Country]
- How Many Students? [i4w_db__ActiveStudents]
- What Is Your School Style? : [i4w_db__SchoolStyle]
- Primary Developmental Goal in 24 Months? : [i4w_db__PrimaryDevelopmentalGoalin24Months]
- What Best Describe You? : [i4w_db__BusinessOperations]
- Gross Revenue per Month? : [i4w_db__AvgGrossRevenue]
- What’s Your Single Primary Developmental Need?: [i4w_db__PrimaryDevelopmentalNeed]
- Current Marketing Results? : [i4w_db__CurrentMarketingResults0]
Current Credit Card Information
- Name on Credit Card: [i4w_db_CCard_NameOnCard]
- Credit Card: [i4w_db_CCard_CardType] xxxx xxxx xxxx [i4w_db_CCard_Last4]
- Expiration Year: [i4w_db_CCard_ExpirationYear]
Need to Add a New Credit Card – Complete the Form Below